Should I floss? Benefits from frequent brushing and flossing

Should I floss? Benefits from frequent brushing and flossing

Should I floss my teeth? Advantages of regular flossing Many times we can’t see food debris between our teeth with the naked eye, so we invite you to check that in most cases there is food debris between our teeth. Brush your teeth and then grab your floss, use it to check if you really […]

How to maintain proper dental hygiene in quarantine

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With the advent of quarantine, dozens of clinics have been restricted. While others have been allowed to continue business only if they follow the health rules to protect the dentists and their patients from covid-19.  We have noticed that there are people who want to know how to maintain a proper dental care routine, as […]

Emergency dentist in Phoenix, Arizona

Emergency dentist in Phoenix Arizona

Dental emergencies have risen. Since the start of the lockdown, there have been accidents that need emergency dentist attention. These accidents need to be seen in the dental office immediately, since any waiting can lead to permanent damage or further complications, such as future fillings, and even tooth loss.  Some of the restrictions to see […]

Dental Emergency and Coronavirus

Somos Dental COVID 19

The U.S. has become the new global epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic. As of April 22, 2020, the United States has already broken the 800,000’s mark of COVID-19 cases. Regulations have been imposed for weeks now, however; they have been changing continuously as the virus has continued to spread across the country. Generally, restrictions have […]

Should I go to the dentist while coronavirus is going around?

So, how can you take care of your dental health during quarantine?

As of April 4, 2020 at 11:32 pm (MST), the United States of America is the country with the most confirmed cases of COVID-19 (also known as ‘Coronavirus‘) in the world. This has led the president of the U.S. to declare a state of emergency for the entire country. Furthermore, several states have mandated social distancing and […]

8 Tips To Eliminate Bad Breath


Bad breath is not only an uncomfortable hygiene condition, but bad breath can actually be an indication of a much more severe problem in relation to your health. It can mean that something is not quite right with your body. Bad breath is not only generated in your mouth but originates from your stomach and […]

Tips for Brushing Your Teeth with Braces

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One of the first questions someone asks after undergoing an orthodontic braces procedure is: how do I brush my teeth? Many times, the orthodontist will give you detailed instructions, but there are still questions sometimes. Best ways to brush your teeth with braces Rinse your mouth with water to more easily dislodge food particles.  When […]

What should you eat after a tooth extraction?

What should you eat after a tooth extraction?

After having your dental extraction treatment, normally, your dentist tells you how you should eat the following days, which foods are better to eat and which ones you should avoid, so if you want to know in advance this type of soft diet, we will tell you what you should eat after your dental extraction.  […]

New Year’s resolution: visit the dentist now!


A new year is a new beginning for many people, there are endless possibilities! You can basically start from scratch. Among the most common resolutions we find losing weight, traveling more, getting a new job, spending more time with the family … But not many of us keep in mind that we also need to […]

Dental care tips

female patient flossing her teeth for a deep dental cleaning

All dentists know that the only way to keep teeth and mouths healthy, is by following the correct guidelines of oral hygiene and by avoiding behaviors that are harmful to your teeth. Carrying out an adequate brushing and flossing routine is important, but there may be some other guidelines that have not been considered, which […]


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