Healthy Thanksgiving tips


Even when sharing food with family and relatives is a good way to spend this Thanksgiving Day, you should be wary of the potential dental damage due to excess consumption or inadequate hygiene habits. In this article, we are going to give a couple of healthy Thanksgiving tips so you can have a good time […]

Root Canal Tooth Hurts With Pressure

3D illustration of a root canal on a pink background to exemplify root canal hurts with pressure

Roughly 5% of patients experience discomfort when pressure is applied after a root canal procedure. However, root canals maintain an impressive success rate of over 95%. So, what causes this discomfort? What factors contribute to post-root canal pain? And how can you alleviate it? This article explores the reasons behind such discomfort and provides practical […]

Ear pain after wisdom teeth removal

Ilustración 3D de una oreja con dos rayos rojos para representar el dolor de oído después de una extracción de muelas del juicio

One common question people often ask is whether they might experience ear pain after having their wisdom teeth removed. Well, the answer is maybe, but let’s break down why it happens. You see, removing wisdom teeth is a kind of surgery, and like any surgery, it requires special care to heal properly. If things don’t […]

How is a root canal done?

How is a root canal done

Perhaps you have an infection, or one tooth inflamed and you want to know in detail how a root canal is performed since your dentist told you that this is the treatment that you need to eliminate your discomfort.   To understand the procedure let’s start by understanding the following: a tooth is not a homogeneous […]

How Much Does A Root Canal Cost In Phoenix?


Root canals can be expensive, that is a fact. However, when someone has an infected or damaged tooth, they only have two options: to get a root canal or to lose the tooth.  Root canals involve taking out the infected pulp of your tooth and filling it with a special material. This stops the infection […]

How to Sleep After Wisdom Teeth removal

Ilustración 3D de dos muelas del juicio con letras z sobre fondo rosa para representar como dormir cuando te quitan las muelas del juicio

If you have questions about sleeping after wisdom teeth removal, we first want to clarify the following; removing a tooth is a surgical procedure carried out under local anesthesia that requires enough rest time for a proper recovery. Due to the required rest time, some people sleep extra hours the following days after surgery. While […]

Why do I have bleeding gums?

Gum bleeding

First of all, we must clarify the following: neither pain nor bleeding is normal neither in the gums nor in any oral area, so it will be necessary that you take care of yourself to heal and avoid any infection or increase of the wound.  Now that you know that this symptom is not normal […]

Painless Wisdom Teeth Removal. At what age should I remove them?

Painless Wisdom Teeth Removal. At what age should I remove them

Before clarifying how a painless wisdom teeth removal can be achieved, let’s understand these types of teeth. Wisdom teeth (also called third molars), are the last teeth that come out in a person. They are called wisdom teeth since they generally come out around the ages of 18 and 22, once a person becomes “wise” […]

How to clean dental retainers?

dental container

How to clean dental retainers? A frequent question that we are asked in our dental office has to do about dental retainers, focusing on their cleaning process. Several dental treatments require their use, such as the retention stage after braces are removed, orthodontics with Invisalign, or even the use of dental guards in cases of […]

Exploring the Advantages and Disadvantages of Dental Bridges


If you lost a tooth, chances are you’ve already looked for dental bridges or other options to replace it, such as implants. In this article, we will focus on the latter. We will talk about the differences, advantages, and disadvantages that exist between these options for the replacement of one or more dental pieces. What […]


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