Phoenix Dentist: 15 Reasons to Visit Somos Dental.


If you are considering getting a dental treatment and you normally go all the way to Mexico to get what you believe is going to be a cheaper treatment, you now have a better option! At Somos Dental we are known for our high-quality services and affordable prices. You can get the treatment you need […]

What should you eat after a tooth extraction?

What should you eat after a tooth extraction?

After having your dental extraction treatment, normally, your dentist tells you how you should eat the following days, which foods are better to eat and which ones you should avoid, so if you want to know in advance this type of soft diet, we will tell you what you should eat after your dental extraction.  […]

Dental care tips

female patient flossing her teeth for a deep dental cleaning

All dentists know that the only way to keep teeth and mouths healthy, is by following the correct guidelines of oral hygiene and by avoiding behaviors that are harmful to your teeth. Carrying out an adequate brushing and flossing routine is important, but there may be some other guidelines that have not been considered, which […]

When do you need deep teeth cleaning?


You may wonder whether or not you need to undergo a deep cleaning procedure. Maybe you’ve noticed that something might be wrong with your dental health, or maybe your dentist offered or suggested a deep cleaning after an exam. Either way, you may have some questions or doubts about deep cleanings. Deep cleaning is actually […]

What to know before getting braces? The patient’s perspective.

Don’t risk your health, come with the experts.

On our last dental blog article, we talked about the medical point of view on what to expect when getting dental braces. Now that we talked about from the professional and ethical position, we will talk about some tales, advices, and information that we have gathered that come from our patients that is not taught […]

What to know before getting braces?

What to know before getting braces Somos Dental, Dental Care, Health Practice

If you are reading this article then you must be wondering about braces. You may have already asked friends or relatives who went through this process, what to expect. People mainly get braces to change both their aesthetic smile, to improve their overall health and even self-esteem. In this article we will discuss what to […]

Why do I have a black tooth?

Diente Negro - Somos Dental

A black tooth is a clear signal that your tooth is devitalized, this means that the tooth pulp and nerve are dead. A tooth turns black when it loses blood flow. Therefore, a black tooth is weaker than a healthy tooth, so as time passes the tooth starts darkening until it reaches a near-black color. […]

8 reasons to not chew gum

Somos dental Blog

Chewing gum actually comes from ancient civilizations! People would make several cuts on tree trunks and they used the tree sap that seeped out. They let the sap dry and chewed it so that they could essentially clean their mouths, their teeth or even just to calm hunger. However, gum today differs from those days. […]

6 foods that stain teeth

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If you came to this article it is probably because you want to avoid the yellowing of your teeth or maybe you just went through whitening or braces and you also want to be as healthy and clean as possible. Therefore, today we have for you a list of foods that you should moderate your […]

Adult Orthodontics Treatments

Adult Orthodontics

Most Young-adults and adults have several misconceptions about investing in an orthodontic treatment. They tend to think that it does not make much sense, or they only ask about these services for aesthetic reasons, they tend to leave aside more important factors such as health and wellness. Certainly, we are wrong when we go to […]


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