¿Necesita una limpieza dental profunda? Conozca los síntomas

male doctor talking patient explaining the benefits of a deep dental cleaning

If your dentist ordered X-rays and has discovered that you have been losing gum tissue, he or she may suggest that you get a deep dental cleaning procedure.

This procedure is important, mainly so that you don’t lose any further gum tissue and so that you can prevent any possible diseases that can end in tooth losses.

Deep dental cleaning is a treatment that consists of cleaning the gums and teeth down to the roots. Just as in regular cleaning, the dentist will clean the teeth, the gum lines, and the sides of the teeth.

The main difference is that in deep dental cleaning, they continue to remove tartar buildup down to the root of the teeth. The American Academy of Periodontology recommends that dentists offer a deep dental cleaning service when an X-ray shows bone loss and also when a complete dental health assessment shows a 4-millimeter gum socket between the gum and the tooth.

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When a deep dental cleaning is necessary: Symptoms

Sometimes people who suffer from gum diseases, do not have the slightest idea that they may need a deep dental cleaning service. These are some symptoms to look for especially since gum diseases can be painless so you may not know you have one:

  • Bad breath
  • Loose teeth
  • Pus coming out of the gums
  • Swollen gums, bleeding gums, or gums that are not close to the teeth


If you have any of the symptoms listed and you have started to notice that something is not right regarding your dental health, then you should contact a dentist so they can make a professional assessment.

At Somos Dental we can make a professional assessment, so you know what the appropriate treatment for your specific case is.

Diagnosing dental health problems

In our Mesa clinic, our dentists will use an instrument called a probe. A probe is used to measure the distance between your teeth and your gums. When there is a considerable amount of space between teeth and gums then that is called a socket.

A socket is a space in which there is more than 5mm of distance between teeth and gums that is where bacteria can form. If this is the case your dentist will recommend you get a deep dental cleaning procedure, so that you can protect your bones and prevent any tooth loss.

Where can I get a deep dental cleaning in Phoenix?

At Somos Dental you can find the most affordable Deep Teeth Cleaning, moreover we have locations around the valley of Phoenix, AZ:


Also, you can call us to our number 623-300-2656 or fill out our online form to SCHEDULE A FREE CONSULTATION.

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