What are braces made of?

beautiful woman showing what are braces made of

When you’re starting orthodontic treatment, it is common to ask, what are braces made of? To illustrate, braces can be made of different materials, but, they are commonly made of nickel, chromium, and titanium alloys.  For instance, sometimes precious metals are employed in the making of orthodontic, such as gold and sapphire.  This leads us […]

Can you eat popcorn with braces?

can you eat popcorn with braces

Your First Days Wearing Braces When start an orthodontic treatment, it’s advisable to stick to soft foods. These foods are not only more comfortable for chewing but also help reduce stress on your teeth. Besides  you might be wondering “Can you eat popcorn with braces?” Let’s explore some good foods to eat with braces. But […]

What is the age limit for braces?

adult smile with braces

Probably, you may be thinking if there is a braces age limit, don’t worry many patients today are wondering, is there an age limit for braces?  More people than ever are considering getting orthodontic treatment to correct a bad underbite, an overbite, or crooked teeth. Anyone might feel like their teeth should be a little […]

Can braces fix asymmetrical face?

Ilustración 3D de un hombre sonriendo sobre un fondo rosa para ejemplificar como mejorar la asimetría facial con brackets

Do braces change your face shape? The short answer is yes, braces can fix asymmetrical face. We know that braces make beautiful smiles, but orthodontics also have other benefits, such as changing and improving the overall shape of the face.  Facial asymmetry is a problem that does not always require invasive surgeries to correct. Sometimes, […]

What should you eat after a tooth extraction?

What should you eat after a tooth extraction?

After having your dental extraction treatment, normally, your dentist tells you how you should eat the following days, which foods are better to eat and which ones you should avoid, so if you want to know in advance this type of soft diet, we will tell you what you should eat after your dental extraction.  […]

Is tooth extraction necessary for orthodontic treatment?


A common question that arises in patients is whether tooth extraction is necessary in their orthodontic treatment. To the relief of many, the answer is, not in all cases. Although it is an alternative that can be used to achieve straight teeth and a healthier bite through orthodontics. It is not always the best course […]

Are Braces Worth the Time, Pain and Money?

teenage girl cheerful and happy with brunette short hair pointing her finger to the left happy to know if are braces worth the time pain and money

You’ll be amazed to discover the numerous benefits and reasons to get braces, also, it’s completely normal to have doubts about whether braces are worth the time, pain, and money. However, braces have the power to transform not only your smile but also your confidence. Why Do People Get Braces? There are a lot of […]


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