Ear pain after wisdom teeth removal

Ilustración 3D de una oreja con dos rayos rojos para representar el dolor de oído después de una extracción de muelas del juicio

One common question people often ask is whether they might experience ear pain after having their wisdom teeth removed. Well, the answer is maybe, but let’s break down why it happens.

You see, removing wisdom teeth is a kind of surgery, and like any surgery, it requires special care to heal properly. If things don’t go as planned during the healing process, it could lead to long-term problems.

That’s why in our clinic in Downtown Phoenix we provide some easy-to-follow instructions to help you recover well. They want you to get back to your normal life and eating habits as quickly as possible. Occasionally, some issues can crop up that cause quite a bit of discomfort, and that’s not something you’d expect during the healing period.

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starting at $999

The Ear pain After Wisdom Teeth Removal is Normal? 

Following the wisdom tooth removal, you can expect a bit of swelling in the area. This swelling can lead to ear pain, which is quite common for a few days as you heal.

Typically, your dentist might prescribe steroids and pain relievers to reduce the swelling and ease any discomfort. This really helps speed up the healing process.

But, if you don’t stick to the recovery instructions, things can get tricky, and you might end up with some complications that result in severe ear pain after wisdom teeth removal. Here are a few of these possible complications:


One usual occurrence during the healing phase is irritation around the extraction area. This irritation can lead to ear discomfort because it’s connected to the nerves of the teeth.

In the initial days, irritation is a pretty common issue, often sparked by everyday factors. That’s why, as we mentioned earlier, steroids and pain relievers can help soothe this discomfort.


If the healing process doesn’t go as planned, it can lead to an infection, also known as a “dry socket.” The primary symptoms of a dry socket include jaw and ear discomfort. That’s why if you notice any issues with your healing, it’s crucial to reach out to your dentist right away.

Untreated infections can potentially lead to severe complications, like jawbone infections and nerve damage. So, it’s essential to address any concerns promptly.

Nerve damage

If you’re experiencing persistent pain that doesn’t appear to be due to an infection, dry socket, or any other healing issue, it’s possible that you may have some nerve damage from an improper wisdom teeth removal.

But here’s some encouraging news: While nerve damage was once considered irreversible, new research suggests that brain plasticity exercises can actually alleviate pain caused by nerve damage. So, collaborating with a neurologist can significantly reduce or even eliminate the discomfort.

Are complications after wisdom teeth removal common?

The simple answer to this question is no. When the dentist effectively plans the surgical procedure and the patient diligently follows the healing guidelines, complications leading to ear pain after wisdom teeth removal are quite rare.

That’s why selecting a reputable dental office and conscientiously adhering to the recovery instructions is vital for ensuring a smooth and comfortable recovery.

Where Can I Get Cheap Wisdom Teeth Removal in Phoenix?

If you’re searching for a reputable dental office in Phoenix, AZ, offering promotions for wisdom teeth removal, consider contacting us at Somos Dental. We offer wisdom teeth removal starting at just $999.

You can find us at any of our clinics in Phoenix and Dallas:


So, what are you waiting for? You can contact us at Somos Dental through our telephone number 623-869-1091 or you can also contact us through our different contact methods, such as Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and SMS, or you can also fill out our online form and schedule a FREE CONSULTATION

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dentista examinando a paciente femenina para prevenir el dolor de oido despues de una extracción de muela del juicio
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