How do braces work on crooked teeth?

dentist holding dental plastic model with braces on crooked teeth

Braces on crooked teeth aren’t a brute force solution, in particular, they worked to realign teeth in a healthy and natural way, but maybe you are wondering, how do braces move teeth? Thus, orthodontic treatment uses devices to correct crowded teeth or a misaligned jaw, namely malocclusion. Usually, most patients start the treatment during adolescence, […]

What is the age limit for braces?

adult smile with braces

Probably, you may be thinking if there is a braces age limit, don’t worry many patients today are wondering, is there an age limit for braces?  More people than ever are considering getting orthodontic treatment to correct a bad underbite, an overbite, or crooked teeth. Anyone might feel like their teeth should be a little […]


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